was “glucose could improve * biodegradation in a glucose-* medium ” and the mount of the increase was not reported in this paper. Please see on line 197-199. I will submit the reference with the revised manuscript. 4) On line 91 it is stated that runs were made in duplicate. The data presented in Table 2 and the analysis from Table 3 do not show duplicate runs. Ø The runs were made in duplicated. However all most paper that I seen in literature did not show repeat runs such as table 2. The errors <10%. The errors showed in table 3. Please see table 3 on line 325. b. Minor 1) The pure error term listed in Table 3 appears to be the total corrected error, corrected for the mean, and not the pure error. Ø It was revised in revised manuscript. Please see table 3 on line 325. Reviewer 2 Comments: 1 General comments: The paper deals with an important applied aspect of nicotine biodegradation by bacterium. Additionally, the use of factorial analysis to predict the best composition of medium to give the best nicotine degradation rate it is very relevant to this field. In conclusion, the paper is a good piece of work. 2) Specific comments for revision: The paper needs an editing revision in order to improve the final version. Many words are stick; 祃 must be replaced by 礚; in my version 篊 appears as an open square; in pag. 7, l.136, Liu et al. 2003 is missing in the reference list. Ø I read the journal’s instructions and recent papers and revised the paper according to the journal’s criteria. All letters were re-typed, and quality of tables and figures were improved. Ø In my email, “祃 must be replaced by 礚” could not be displayed correctly. Ø An open square may occur in submitting manuscript. We will submit the revised in world version and PDF version for review. Ø The reference, Liu et al. 2003, was added in the revised manuscript. Please see on line 266. 主编回复意见: generally acceptable To: *@yahoo.com.cn,*@sina.com.cn From: jam@oxon.blackwellpublishing.com Date: 17 Jan 2006 CC: Subject: Journal of Applied Microbiology - JAM-2005-1303.R1 17 Jan 2006 Dear Dr. * Manuscript: JAM-2005-1303.R1 Title: * Author(s): * Thank you for submitting the above manuscript to the Journal of Applied Microbiology. Your manuscript has been reviewed and whilst it is generally acceptable, there are some points of a relatively minor nature that need to be addressed before it can be considered for publication in the |