老外要我们文章的信和他的感谢信 背景介绍:某老外向我们老板要一篇文章的信,以后我们也可以这样向人家要文章。要文章的信: Dear Prof. Dr. XXXXX, I greatly appreciate sending me a copy of your paper entitled, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and published in, Tetrahedron Volume XX, Issue XX , 200X, Pages XXXX. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Many regards and best wishes. Sincerely yours XXXXXX <><><><><><><><><> XXXXXXXXX Prof. Dr. Chemistry Department, XXXXXXXXX 我的回函 Dear Prof. Dr. XXXXX, Thank you for your interest in our research. Please find in attachment a copy of the paper at your request. All the Best! XX 然后是他的感谢信: Dear Dr. XX, Thanks a lot for your kind reply and cooperation. Cordial regards, and a Happy New Year. Sincerely, XXXX |