The followings summarize our revisions in response to the reviewers’ criticisms. We hope you find these revisions acceptable. Thank you for your kind consideration of our manuscript. Yours sincerely, YOUR NAME AND TITLE ------------------------------------------ Reviewer's comment #1 YOUR RESPONSES 部分采纳审稿人意见的回复 背景情况:如果审稿人提出的意见正确,但完全照着做又做不到,不过你还是做了一定的努力。请看下面的答复: We fully agree with the reviewer. In fact, we did include a low prevalence area (one city and one rural county) and we had collected the awareness information using the same questionnaire. However, to include those data into this paper will further complicate the analysis and inevitably make the paper longer. Nevertheless, we have added the figure in the text to help the reader to understand the poor situation in the high prevalence area. (Paragraph #2 in Discussion) In addition, we have added more recent prevalence data for this area into the last paragraph of Introduction. 拒绝审稿人意见的回复背景情况:如果审稿人提出的意见有点过分,可以这样回答: In-depth discussion on the policy on termination of NTD-affected pregnancies is beyond the scope of this paper, we think.