Problem / Issue / Question l Unfortunately, real-world engineering problems such as manufacturing planning do not fit well with this narrowly defined model. They tend to span broad activities and require consideration of multiple aspects. l Remedy / solve / alleviate these problems l ... is a difficult problem, yet to be adequately resolved l Two major problems have yet to be addressed l An unanswered question l This problem in essence involves using x to obtain a solution. l An additional research issue to be tackled is .... l Some important issues in developing a ... system are discussed l The three prime issues can be summarized: l The situation leads to the problem of how to determine the ... l There have been many attempts to l It is expected to be serious barrier to l It offers a simple solution in a limited domain for a complex problem. l There are several ways to get around this problem. l As difficult as it seems to be, xx is by no means new. l The problem is to recognize xx from a design representation. l A xx problem can trace its roots to xx. l xx [1987] used a heuristic approach to simplify the complexity of the problem. l Several problems are associated with them. l Although some progress has been made in this area, at least two major obstacles must be overcome before a fully automated system can be realized. l Most problems in practice are complicated l More problem surface here. l Hamper effort toward a xx system l In order to overcome the limitations due to incomplete and imprecise xx knowledge, a xx program has been developed, which bases its knowledge upon the statistical analysis of a sample population of xx
l The above difficulties are real challenges faced by researchers attempting to develop l This type of mapping raises no controversy to the issue of membership function determination. l However, attempts to quantify the xx have met both theoretical and empirical problems. l It has become apparent that in order to apply this new methodological framework to real?world problems and data, we have to pay attention to the problems of xx and xx.
Chapter 3. Proposed methodology Assumption l In the case when the assumption of a xx seems to be too restrictive or inadequate, the formulation with Fuzzy termination time, i.e. given by a fuzzy set in the space of control stages, may be applied. l We assume here the fuzzy constraints to be state?dependent, and the fuzzy goal to be the same for all the control states, xx, which stems from the problem's nature. l An approach to the solution of this problem is presented under the assumption that the sampling rate Decision can be made prior to the execution of the experiment, as opposed to being made while the experiment is in progress. l Another assumption made above is that there are precise odds at which the expert is indifferent. l Main simplifying assumptions are: l This, in our view, is a questionable assumption.
Outline / Structure / Module l An outline of the research l Information is incorporated within the scheme l Is built into ... structure l A nice modular structure. l The principles of ... are applied as modularized criteria
Classification l A xx system comprises three main components: l Must decompose the original .. into a set of .. l Consists of the following steps: l This is summarized in the following steps: l Can be broadly classified into the following areas: l Can be characterized by its function of effectively processing the l Can allow further breadth of application of ...into more l The following steps should be followed l xx can be classified by a different ways. l Based on the xx, one may classify xx into the following: l This catalog may change due to wear, breakage, and purchasing.
System l Unlike many conventional program, expert systems do not usually deal wit h problem for which there is clearly a right or wrong answer. l The system consists of both ... and ... l The system has a hierarchical modular architecture organized on three levels. l expert system domains are area of expertise l To develop a xx system for xx, the following factors must be considered: l The system has been developed / designed to determine l The system has proven to be able to l The domain in which an expert system operates is a particular domain l The system comprises a ... with l The system is [feature-oriented ] / based on the ... technique l The system environment must be relatively stable l The system is utilized to generate, load, store, update and retrieve ... l The development of a xx system has two stages: xx stage and xx stage. l The most essential part of .. system is the ... l The successful developments in ESs have made them an important tool in the development of l An automated system was developed for l In this case, the system can be considered to be generative. l An interactive automatic ... system l A .. is commonly thought of as a truly integrated .. system l Should be capable of being generated from a ... system l xx is an important part of the integrated system. l The model consists of four rule bases, each of which addresses a separate problem in the hierarchy of scheduling decision. l The rule bases are linked to each other in a chin?like manner in the sense that the consequent of one rule base constitutes a part of the antecedent of the next rule base. l The rule base consists of all possible combinations of the linguistic terms associated with the linguistic variable of the antecedent of a rule.